Sunday, 17 June 2007

The Prologue

Well, I suppose it was inevitable really, that I should finally write my own blog. After all I'm fully conversant with email, I know my RAM from my MPEG's and I've even been known to connect to a wireless LAN for a quick game of Deathmatch Black Hawk Down - surely I couldn't have held on for much longer before being dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century!

Interestingly enough it was my 7yr old Emily who persuaded me to do it. Sure, she's been harping on at me to start one since she was brainwashed at a recent trip to the Cottrells - but it was more what she didn't say that one me over: I wish that my dad has started a blog when he was young, so that I could read back over his experiences, his triumphs, his fears.

So perhaps in these lines of what I'm reliably informed is no longer HTML ("That's like so 90's, man!"), some future generations of Cook's may learn something interesting about their old man. At the very least, I hope they'll come to understand why my shoes are always muddy, and what that awful stench is at the bottom of the garden!