Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Politics, n: [Poly "many" + tics "blood-sucking parasites"] ~Larry Hardiman

I feel profoundly grateful to those who died in the Great Wars, so that I can enjoy the freedoms which are mine. Since being a teenager, I have been very aware of their sacrifice, often shedding a tear or two on the eleventh of the eleventh. My Great Uncle Wheaton, serving in the Navy, survived a variety of sorties and exchanges in foreign waters, only to be killed by a mine as he arrived home to his heroes welcome at Portsmouth. Such a tragic waste of life.

The thing is, the tragedy isn't so much that Wheaton died trying to save his country - in a way that has been a noble and worthwhile pursuits since time immemorial. The real tragedy, I feel, is when those freedoms for which he fought are trodden under the foot of those who ought to know better. I, as a healthy, white, straight man, enjoy a delightful array of freedoms in the green and pleasant land: I can study what I like, read what I like, say what I like, wear what I like, drink what I like, drive what I like, do whatever job I like. Yet a child has no such rights, not even the right to live, it emerged yesterday.

The green is seems not so green and the pleasant not so pleasant now that the oafs in Westminster have rejected the cry for the sanctity of life. I know someone who has just had twins, born at 22 weeks, one of whom has survived and is now gaining strength after some worrying weeks in hospital. This is a living, breathing baby girl, as beautiful as she is tiny, and SHE HAS A RIGHT TO LIVE! To me, allowing the murder of babies at 24 weeks is a vile and criminal practice, one for which criminal penalties should apply, the same as it would for the murder of a person of any other age. In other countries, men and women of strength and cajones have stood against abortion and their countries have benefited from its abhorrence of this evil practice. In this country, however abortion has been culturally and politically embraced as an effective method of contraception. So much so that more than 60,000 infants are broken, scraped and vaccuumed into seeming oblivion.

Last night in the House of Commons, a vote was held and a proposed drop in termination date was rejected on the grounds that "there is no medical evidence to support the proposal". There was no medical evidence to suggest that murdering a million Jews in the concentration camps was morally repugnant, but when we hear about the idea, we just KNOW that it is wrong. To add insult to injury, the same buffoons that approved this, also gave the green light to "hybrid embryology" last week, whereby human genetic material is being mixed with animal in order to create hybrid embryos. So what can be done about it?

"People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant." Helen Keller was right on the money there. We have become a society of non-thinkers, people who DO without first thinking about what they are doing or even why. What happens when your child reaches 5? You send them to school, right? Did you actually THINK through your child's educational options and arrive at the course of action you felt was best to help him or her to fulfill their unique potential? Or did you just send them to school because that's what everybody else does? Bingo.

The problem with living in a nation of sheep is that there inevitably come wolves in sheep's clothing. Enter Mr Abortion Law. Enter Mr Hybrid. How many people live in Britain? About 60 million. How many are of voting age? About 40 million. How many idiots sit in parliament? About 450, I think. Do you see where I'm going with this? How can they possibly hope to govern the country, unless they know the country they are dealing with? had they actually listened to any of the home-educating families that I know, they would never, ever have even considered rejecting this proposal, in fact they may have even outlawed abortion altogether. Had they bothered to consult with those families, they would realise what an impact their proposed new change to parents staying at home would have. So what is to be done about them?

Do you not realise the power of your own voice? Do you not realise that the things that are abhorrent to you are also abhorrent to a thousand other people around the country? This is the day and age where opinions matter, where voices really can be heard - where the voice of the people saying "You cheap, amoral morons! Stop this evil at once!" can resound in the ear of every politician, every local councillor, every decision-maker in every business. We have a right to breathe clean air, to drink clear water, to take walks in the beauties of this land, and unless we stop this silence, we will soon lose them. The first mistake would be to believe that politicians have the nation's interests at heart. The second is to do nothing to stop them.

WE are the nation, not THEM. I am not inciting you to violence, nor to extremism of any kind. I do this in the same spirit that Christ threw the money-changers from the Temple - I do it with vigor and urgency, because human rights are sacred and ought to be protected with every resource at our disposal. Even if that means laying down our lives like Uncle Wheaton did. Let whatever we sacrifice for the rights of our children, never go to waste like his did. I don't know how to do something about this. I hope that you and others who read this or who talk about it, will come up with the answers to that. perhaps you'd be good enough to share your ideas in the comments section, so that we can DO something. Winston Churchill, one of my all-time heroes, said the following: "All it would take for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing" So what are WE going to do? you and I. What are we going to do about it?