Well, we've done it folks. We've now got more than 240 MP's to sign off on Early Day Motion 581, which calls for lower stocking levels for egg and meat hens. This has been driven by the fabulous Chicken Out campaign, which has now secured in excess of 160,000 consumer signatures - a voice that's getting increasingly harder to ignore. The EDM also calls for clearer labelling standards, so that people can be sure exactly what conditions their Sunday dinner has been bred in.
If you're one of the beautiful people on the list, well done and from the heart of my free-range chicken shed, thank you. if you're not, don't worry, there's still time! Just click on the link above, enter a few short details and job's a good'un. (You'll also get to see your name in lights as the tally clocks a new signature!)
If you don't know what all the fuss is about, come round to my house some time and I'll make you an onelette, just like we had for tea tonight. It was bright yellow, just the way yolks are SUPPOSED to look! It was absolutely gorgeous to the tastebuds, a real treat. Just goes to prove that you really do reap what you sow - happy, naturally fed hens = happy, natural eggs. It's not rocket science really, is it?
I want to come and try your eggs.. and say hello to the chickens!
You're very welcome any time Hedgee xx
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